Friday, June 20, 2008

Places Yanks can't visit--part II

This blog might be turning into a Scott Horton fan site, but he's written a very satisfying article in the New Republic on the possibility (near inevitability) of Bush administration officials being charged in countries other than the US with war crimes, particularly crimes involving torture.

Horton writes, "...I have spoken with two investigating magistrates in two different European nations, both pro-Iraq war NATO allies. Both were assembling war crimes charges against a small group of Bush administration officials."

"...Colin Powell's chief of staff, Colonel Larry Wilkerson, nails it: 'Haynes, Feith, Yoo, Bybee, Gonzales and--at the apex--Addington, should never travel outside the U.S., except perhaps to Saudi Arabia and Israel [yay!]. They broke the law; they violated their professional ethical code. In the future, some government may build the case necessary to prosecute them in a foreign court, or in an international court.'"

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